A ticket is a nominal document for travel by bus and can not be transferred to another person, valid until the departure time, as stated on the ticket. Departure date can be changed free 2 times. All changes must be written in the ticket and confirmed by the seal of the company that made these changes. A passenger with a fixed return date of departure, must confirm at least 48 hours before departure (excluding weekends). If not confirmed the company reserves the right to sell this place, without compensation to passengers. Places specified representative of the “Odri” the landing place mentioned in any other agent is not valid. The open date is topical for 6 months.
Refunds money for unused travel
Money for unused return travel only by which the ticket was purchased. The basis for compensation is a form (ticket) with all the tear-off coupons and cover. Money for unused return trip back minus 10%
Return Terms:
up to 48 hours before departure: 90%
from 48 hours up to 24 hours before departure: 80%
from 24 hours up to 12 hours before departure: 50%
from 12 hours up to 2 hours before departure: 20%
less than 2 hours before departure: the ticket is not returned
Storage transportation
Each passenger is permitted to carry a piece 40x60x80 size, the total weight to 30kg for 1 person and hand luggage weighing up to 5 kg. (Conditions baggage vary depending on country.) Beyond the data limits on weights and dimensions for baggage is taken as a supplement for extra baggage. Extra baggage is transported in the presence of free space in the luggage compartment, for which payment is taken. Additional luggage must not exceed size and weight of the basic allowance. Not carrying oversized baggage size (refrigerators, etc.). The carrier is not responsible for hand luggage. The carrier is responsible for damaged luggage in the baggage compartment only if it was the fault of the carrier that brought the passenger, but no more than the sum of 100 Euro per person subject to the application not later than 10 days after bus departure. Do not carry baggage that threatens the safety or health of other passengers. The carrier is not responsible for any loss of passenger money, jewelery, passports, securities, collection of things, things that have scientific value and other values that are not in the luggage compartment. Passenger personally responsible for the legality of its own baggage. When complications at the border firm-carrier has the right to refuse to perform duties on baggage allowance and continue the flight without the specified allowance.
General requirements
Passengers should arrive at the landing at least 30 minutes prior to bus departure. In case of delay in planting the responsibility of the passenger. During the movement in the cabin and toilet bus non smoking, alcohol and drugs. In case these requirements the company reserves the right to remove a passenger from a flight without monetary compensation. Crew bus may refuse to transport a passenger:
– if their actions interfere with other passengers calm or a risk for travelers;
– visibly intoxicated;
Passenger is responsible for the material damage caused by its carrier. Children and young people under 16 may drive only when accompanied by adult. The carrier is responsible to the passenger for the correct execution and the availability of documents entitling to cross the borders of the route. The carrier is not liable for violation of customs or immigration passenger rules. Violation of passenger visa (expired visa, passport replacement by another document, etc.) the carrier reserves the right not to transport passengers. Funds for unused ticket is not refunded. If the passenger fails to comply with customs and border regulations and will be detained at the border and it will cause delay, the crew may leave the bus from the border without passengers by the bus schedule and fare without compensation. The carrier is not responsible for delays while driving and untimely arrival stations to follow if it led beyond his circumstances (including delays during the borders, weather conditions, transport congestion, acts of public authorities, civil works for roads, etc. , the actions of most passengers affected by implementation of these circumstances) and other reasons (technical problems arising from bus while driving, which could be prevented by carrier, despite all means taken by reservation).